I hope your morning is off to a great start – maybe you’re up and at it in the gym as we speak, maybe you’re sipping on your morning coffee whilst reading this, or maybe you’re feeling the Monday blues and struggling to find any motivation to get out of bed.


Whatever the situation is – just know, I am here to support you on your journey.


Last week our topic was goal setting, today we are moving onto creating a vision board.

Maybe you have made one before, or maybe you have no idea what I'm talking about !


The vision board can often be the component of the work that can challenge us the most.

Because it asks the toughest question of all:

'What do you want?'

What we want - No longer what we don't want!


i.e When I am working with clients and ask them what they want, they invariably begin to list all the things they don't want; I don't want to be alone, overweight, stressed, broke, anxious, in pain...

This great tool is a powerful visual aid for the conscious and the unconscious mind. It represents practically in our outer world what has already begun in our inner world.


So, what is a vision board?

The easiest explanation is that it's a board, like a notice board onto which we paste a collection of pictures, words, drawings, images and affirmations that represent the life we are aspiring to manifest and bring into reality.


Why have a vision board?

A vision board is a powerful tool for visualizing your goals and dreams. The purpose of creating a vision board is to provide a visual representation of your goals and aspirations, which can help you stay focused, motivated, and inspired to achieve them.

By putting your goals and dreams into a visual format, you are creating a tangible reminder of what you want to achieve, and this can help you stay motivated even when you face obstacles or challenges.


Creating a vision board is a creative and fun activity that can help you tap into your imagination and creativity.


It allows you to express yourself in a visual way, and you can use different colors, images, and materials to bring your vision to life.

This can be a therapeutic and fulfilling experience, which can help you feel more connected to your inner self and your deepest desires.






Before you start creating your vision board, it's important to set your intention. Think about what you want to achieve and more importantly how you want to feel. Write down your goals, and visualize yourself achieving them.

EXAMPLE: the lifestyle you want to lead, the physique you want to achieve, the relationship you want to be a partner in, the family you want to uphold, the accomplishments you want to make, the countries you want to visit, the kind of person you want to be.



Once you have your goals in mind, gather the materials you will need to create your vision board. This can include magazines, newspapers, photographs, quotes, and any other materials that inspire you.



From the simplest possessions to the greatest impact and legacy, whatever you want your life to be and to mean, you can find pictures to represent these desires on your vision board. Cut, paste or draw a collage of pictures/diagrams/quotes that represent the life you want to be living!



Once you have finished creating your vision board, display it somewhere prominent where you will see it every day. This will help you stay focused on your goals and motivate you to TAKE ACTION.



- the house you want to live in;

- the car you want to drive;

- the relationship you want to be a partner in;

- the family you want to uphold;

- the adventures you want to explore;

- the accomplishments you want to achieve;

- the countries you want to visit;

- the kind of person you want to be;

- the kind of difference you want to make in the world.


Use this exercise to get as creative as you like and don't forget to have fun with it! :-)