Happy Monday !

Is it a ‘happy’ Monday for you?
Or, maybe you dread the thought of Monday coming round again..
This could be for many reasons, but if you are someone that gets the Sunday night dread because you are unhappy in your current job then I am personally speaking to YOU today !

Maybe you are struggling with a current situation in work - under pressure to meet a deadline, needing a break or a cut back on your hours, OR maybe it’s time to actually take the plunge and change careers?

It’s a scary move, but sometimes a career change is absolutely necessary if you want to have a better life. Whether you’re feeling burnt out with your current role, wanting to earn more, or simply curious about doing something else, changing careers could be one of the best decisions you make for yourself.

However, there’s no denying that it’s a HUGE step, and many people may find it hard to make the decision and actually act on it. And even when you’ve made up your mind, it can be hard to know where to start this life-changing process.

In this newsletter, we’ll go through the common mental blocks that prevent people from attempting a career change and what steps you can take to ensure that your next career is more fulfilling and contributes to your personal and professional growth.

When Is It Time To Change Careers?
• You experience Sunday night dread
Do you feel anxious at the end of every weekend? If you constantly dread Monday mornings or feel stressed whenever it’s time to get back to work, that’s a sign to look for a new job.
A stressful period at work may be temporary, but if you routinely feel anxious about being back at work, it means your job is already affecting your wellbeing.



• Your mental or physical health is suffering
Do you have frequent headaches? Are you constantly feeling flat and demotivated? Have you been taking more sick days than usual?
If work is starting to affect your health, it’s time to get out. Your career is supposed to enhance your overall quality of life, not take away from it.

• You’ve lost all passion and are only there for the money
Being financially secure is important. However, earning lots of money at the expense of your happiness and overall health isn’t worth it.
Chances are, you’ll be spending most of your time at work.
Ask yourself, what are you getting for trading in years of your life? If it’s just money and you’re not growing personally and professionally, you’re being short changed.

Limiting Beliefs That May Stop You From Making a Career Change

• “It’s the only thing I know,” or, “I’m too old to change jobs now.”
Many people have this limiting belief that they’re unable to switch to a completely new career or job. However, science says this isn’t true—regardless of your age, the human brain actually never stops learning.
Even if you wanted to do something completely different from what you do now, your mind can adapt and learn new skills.

• “I won’t find another job that pays me as well.”
You may have been lucky enough to land a job that pays you well, and as a result, you may be reluctant to leave it. But ask yourself this—is the money worth staying in a job that isn't serving you?
Your career shouldn’t just be about the size of your paycheque - Higher-level psychological needs, such as achievement, recognition, and the nature of the work itself, are far more important to your wellbeing than how much you earn.

• “If I start a new career, no one will hire me because I have no relevant experience.”
It may seem like employers are always looking for relevant experience, but it doesn’t mean that’s the only thing that matters. In fact, what’s more important is your personality and story.
As a career-changer, you’re someone who’s curious, passionate, and willing to take risks—qualities that are a great fit for many roles. As someone who’s starting out in a new career, of course you don’t have any experience yet. However, don’t doubt your value—your enthusiasm, passion, and willingness to learn are equally important, if not more so, than just experience.

✨ Remember – Every Expert Was Once A Beginner! ✨

A career change can be an exciting change of pace, but it’s also important to properly prepare yourself.
You want to avoid a situation where you fall into a financial crisis or end up in a career that’s worse than your current one.
These seven tips will help ensure that you have a successful transition, and that your next career is a better fit for you.

1) Be clear about what you want
You may feel unsatisfied with your current job, but be clear about what it is exactly that makes you unhappy. Do you have a problem with the work culture? Or do you disagree with the work itself?
Write down which aspects of your current job that you like and dislike. Having a clear idea of what’s important to you will be crucial in finding a better fit in your next career.

2) Perform a self-assessment
Use your work experience so far to identify your core skills and strengths. Based on your professional history, what type of work drives you the most? What do you enjoy doing?
For example, if you discovered that you prefer working with data, you might be more inclined towards analytical work. However, if you’re very sociable, you may prefer working with people.
Knowing your strengths and what drives you will help identify which career path would suit you best. You’ll also be able to present a stronger case for why you’re a good fit in your next interview.

3) Enrol in the necessary course and upgrade your skills
Switching careers is a great time to develop new skills, especially ones which may be relevant to your new career. Today there are plenty of in-person and online courses available which could help enrich your resume.
Starting a new course can be daunting, especially if it’s a 4 year program for example.
But.. if not now, when? The time is going to pass regardless, and your happiness is more important than anything !

4) Do your homework
It’s possible to view alternative careers through rose-tinted glasses. You may jump into a new career only to find out that it is an even worse fit for you compared to your old one.
To avoid making this mistake, do your homework. Try to gain as much practical experience for the job you’re aiming for.
One way to do that is by looking for volunteer and freelance activities related to the target field. For example, if you want to work with animals, start by volunteering at the local shelter.
You could also begin by connecting with people in a similar role of your interest, maybe arrange a chat to see what they like/dislike. They may also be able to point you in the right direction of the appropriate courses or people to reach out to etc.

5) Take a practical approach
Be optimistic about your career change, but also be practical about your approach. You may have responsibilities like a mortgage or a family to take care of, in which case it’s important to be adequately prepared.
Ideally, you’d want to save enough to take care of your expenses for example in the case where you may need to stop working to study, or if it’s to build your own business – the costs of getting up and running.

Regardless of where you are in your current career, it’s never too late to make a switch. Many people have successfully transitioned to career paths that are vastly different from the ones they started on.
The important thing to remember is that your career should be rewarding to you and contribute to your personal and professional growth. In this article, we’ve given you the blueprint of how to ensure that your career change is a success, so start working towards your dream career today!

In conclusion
Know that it’s doable! If I can do it – you can do it too !
Daunting but doable is what I say !
I am so glad I made the move for change, and that’s what I want for you !

Peace always,
Deirdre x