Here’s a question for you – Would you describe yourself as a Spontaneous person or would you be a more Calculated individual, less of a risk-taker?


Being spontaneous means embracing life as it happens, without overthinking or rigidly adhering to plans. You may or may not know that I had a spontaneous trip to Paris last week with my beautiful niece Anna - booked just 3 days before ! Anyone who knows me well will understand that it's a challenge for me to change plans, reschedule work, and, the big one - take time off !


But things are changing around here ! And when the opportunity came up, I seized it this time ! I'm delighted to report we had an absolute blast, proving that sometimes the best experiences come from stepping out of our comfort zone and letting life unfold in unexpected ways. While having plans is useful, there are moments when we need to throw the schedule out the window and allow ourselves the FREEDOM to embrace the unexpected, creating memories that will definately last a lifetime !


Affirmation of the week.. ?

"I embrace spontaneity, allowing myself the freedom to enjoy life's unexpected moments."



Spontaneity arises when you’re fully engaged with the present, free from past regrets and future anxieties. Life becomes more exhilarating and fulfilling as you seize opportunities and enjoy experiences as they come, allowing you to live more authentically and express your true self.

Learning to be spontaneous, especially when you’re used to having everything planned out, can be challenging and put you out of your comfort zone. But by practicing spontaneity in different areas of your life, it’s easier to become comfortable with the unknown and go a bit more with the flow.  


Here are some top tips to help you;


Break Your Routine

Step out of your usual patterns and try something different. Whether it's taking a new route to work, trying a new hobby, or mixing up your daily schedule, disrupting your routine can open the door to spontaneity. By breaking free from the monotony of habitual actions, you create opportunities for unexpected and enriching experiences. Embrace the excitement of the unknown and allow yourself to be surprised by what life has to offer.


Practice Saying YES

Let go of the overthinking. Start by being open to new experiences. Accept invitations to events, try new hobbies, or get involved in activities you might normally decline. You might love it ! How will you know if you never try?! By saying yes more often, you open yourself up to new ideas, and connections. This can lead to unexpected adventures and personal growth. Remember, spontaneity often begins with a simple yes, allowing you to discover the joy and excitement in moments you might have otherwise missed.


Reminder; Treat Yourself

We all need to allow ourselves the freedom to indulge every so often. Whether it's a last-minute weekend getaway, a dinner out, or taking a day off to relax and rejuvenate, treating yourself can break the cycle of routine and bring joy and excitement into your life. Remember, you deserve it !

It is so important to put yourself first from time to time — this way, you will become a better mother, father, wife, husband, or friend. When you make time for yourself amidst the busy schedule, you will rejuvenate your spirit, enhance your well-being, and be better equipped to support and connect with those around you.


Remember, by putting yourself first, you pave the way for greater fulfillment, and a more authentic way of living. So, take that spontaneous trip, say yes to new opportunities, and treat yourself with the care and attention you deserve. Life is too short to be anything but fully engaged and alive !


If you feel like you need more support on your journey – find out more about our Freedom Community!


"If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary"

- Jim Rohn