Today I am going to talk about the comfort zone. Do you live there?

Maybe you step out of it from time to time, or maybe you never leave?!


The human brain is powerful.


It allows us to build space ships, invent incredible technology and overcome unimaginable challenges. Yet it also craves comfort. In many ways, the brain is a creature of habit. It creates neural pathways that it refers back to whenever it needs to make a decision. These pathways become patterns in our thoughts and behaviors. That’s why it seems like we get stuck in a rut sometimes. If you feel like your life is just on a loop, you may need to step out of your comfort zone.


The comfort zone is a psychological state in which individuals feel safe. It fulfills our need for certainty, one of the most powerful human needs. When we’re in our comfort zone, we know what to expect and we know how to react. We feel that we have some control over the situation. All of our immediate needs are filled and we feel at peace.


When we leave the comfort zone, we’re no longer in a familiar and controllable situation.

The brain hasn’t created the pathways it needs in order to know how to react – and we may feel anxiety and fear. Yet learning to leave your comfort zone is actually essential.


While there are evident advantages to living within your comfort zone, such as decreased anxiety, reduced stress, and an overall sense of well-being, it can also lead to a sense of stagnation. That’s because uncertainty and growth are also human needs.


Too much certainty, and we won’t fulfill our need for growth and new experiences. But too much uncertainty can lead to anxiety and lack of productivity. Sound familiar? Something we can all relate to on some level.


Like I say to my clients – CHANGE is just UNFAMILIAR, it’s ok to change.

Remember that leaving your comfort zone is a process that takes time and practice. By taking small steps and gradually pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, you can develop new skills, experiences, and perspectives that can enrich your life.



Here are 5 STEPS that can help you:


STEP 1 - Recognise the benefits of stepping out of your comfort zone

Understanding the benefits of stepping out of your comfort zone can help motivate you to take action. These benefits may include personal growth, improved self-confidence, and the development of new skills and experiences.


STEP 2 - Identify your comfort zone

The first step to stepping out of your comfort zone is to identify where your comfort zone lies. This may include areas of your life where you feel safe and secure, but also areas where you feel stuck or stagnant.


STEP 3 - Set a specific and measurable goal

Once you've identified your comfort zone, set a specific and measurable goal that challenges you to step outside of it. Your goal should be achievable, but also push you to learn and grow in new ways.


STEP 4 - Take action

Take small, incremental steps towards your goal, even if it feels uncomfortable or scary. Remember that growth happens outside of your comfort zone, so embrace the challenge and push through any discomfort.


STEP 5 - Reflect on your progress

As you work towards your goal, take time to reflect on your progress and celebrate your successes. This can help reinforce positive habits and behaviors, and give you the motivation you need to keep pushing towards your goals.


I hope this resonates today !