Today, we are going to discuss learning how to dance in the rain !

Letting go of the need to control every situation and leaning into the present moment.


With the seemingly endless rain we’re experiencing here in Ireland (and it’s supposed to be summer!), it’s the perfect metaphor for how life can sometimes feel overwhelming and out of our control. Like the weather, there are many aspects of life that we simply cannot change, no matter how much we might want to.


Letting go of the need to micromanage every outcome in life is a challenging, yet powerful and liberating practice. Life is filled with uncertainties and variables beyond our influence. By releasing the need to control every aspect of our lives, we open ourselves to the beauty of spontaneity and the unexpected.

This surrender allows us to focus on what we CAN control—our reactions, our attitudes, and our efforts—while accepting that some things will unfold as they will. Instead of looking out at the rain and getting annoyed, we can choose to enjoy a cosy indoor activity, like reading a good book, watching a good mov or practicing a relaxing hobby. Embracing this mindset reduces stress, fosters resilience, and enables us to fully engage with the present moment, finding peace and contentment in the process.


Affirmation of the week.. ?

"I release control and embrace the present moment, allowing myself to feel and experience life as it unfolds.”



Do you struggle to switch off from work or the ‘to-do’ list?

Maybe you often find yourself anxious or stressed when things don’t go according to your plan?

Can you easily adapt to unexpected changes or do they tend to overwhelm you?


Sound familiar? Here are 3 steps that may support you;


Practice Mindfulness and Acceptance:

Spend a few minutes each day practicing mindfulness meditation to help cultivate a sense of presence and acceptance. Focus on your breath and allow yourself to be in the present moment without judgment. When faced with unexpected changes, remind yourself to accept what you cannot control and focus on what you can.


Set Realistic Expectations and Prioritise:

Identify the areas where you feel the most need for control and evaluate if your expectations are realistic. Prioritise tasks and responsibilities, recognising that not everything needs to be perfect or done by you. Practice leaving some tasks for another day, maybe the sun is out and instead of doing the housework you can spend an hour in the garden with your children? Take the dog for a walk in nature? Meet a friend for coffee? Some things can wait.


Develop Trust and Delegate:

Start small by delegating tasks to others and practice trusting them to complete the tasks without your constant oversight. This can help you build confidence in others and reduce your need to control every detail. Gradually increase the level of responsibility you delegate as you become more comfortable with letting go.



If you feel like you need more support on your journey – find out more about our Freedom Community!


“Surrender to what is,

Let go of what was,

Have faith in what will be.”